Switch your mortgage to a new deal online

Help & support

You can switch online if:

  • You have a repayment mortgage with a Total Current Balance under £1,000,000.00
  • You do not want to change your mortgage amount, term or repayment basis
  • Your mortgage is not a Buy-to-Let and you do not have Permission-to-Let on your current mortgage
  • You do not have a Graduate, Key Worker, Lifetime, Retirement Home Plan or International mortgage
  • There is no guarantor against your mortgage
  • Your account is not currently in arrears
  • You have no early repayment charges to pay or you are within 6 months of your current deal expiring
  • You have not changed your address or Direct Debit account details in the last 90 days

If you’re not sure if you meet the above criteria please call us on 0345 845 0440. Our lines are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday (Wednesdays from 10am).

Steps to switching your deal online

Complete the online form which should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Our mortgage team will review your request then send you a Mortgage Offer containing details of your new mortgage deal. When you’ve received your Mortgage Offer, you’ll need to log back in to confirm that you want to go ahead with the switch. Your Mortgage Offer documents will explain how to do this.

We’ll inform you once we’ve completed the switch and tell you when your new monthly payments will start.

Privacy Notice

It is important that you understand how the personal information you give us will be used. Therefore please read our short privacy notice below before continuing with this application.

Note: The words ‘you’ and ‘your’ refer to the applicant(s) and may be taken to mean the plural as well as the singular. The word ‘our’, ‘we’ and ‘us’ refer to Scottish Widows Bank.

Enter your current mortgage details

Do you intend to retire before your mortgage has been repaid? *


Important Information to Consider

As part of this service we will not provide any advice on your choice of product, but will carry out your instructions, so it’s important that you’re aware of and understand some key points, which could affect your decision.

The product you can choose will depend on your existing borrowing amount and our assessment of your Loan-to-Value(LTV). Details of products for each LTV bracket are available on our website. If you are close to a LTV boundary, you may be able to get a better product by making an additional payment or by arranging for an updated property valuation. You should consider this when you are shown the products you’re eligible for on the next page. Please contact our mortgage advisers using the details below if you need more guidance on how to make a payment.

The product you choose could make your monthly payment amount increase. You should be sure you can afford the new monthly payment and you understand what interest rate it will move to at the end of the product rate period. You should also consider if you can afford the new monthly payments in the future, taking into account other changes to your finances. Please note that the new monthly payment may differ from that shown here depending on the actual date of the product switch.


We will provide an execution-only service. This means we will not give you any advice, assess the suitability of, or recommend a mortgage for you.

We will not charge you a fee for the execution-only service.

We offer a limited range of residential mortgages from Scottish Widows Bank, a division of Lloyds Bank plc, and only offer first charge mortgages.

The information we provide only covers the Scottish Widows Bank mortgages we offer online. It does not cover those available through mortgage brokers.


By continuing with this application online I will receive an execution-only service. This means that Scottish Widows Bank will not give any advice, assess the suitability of, or recommend any new product to me. You will offer me products from your product transfer range based on your assessment of my Loan-to-Value. I will be responsible for making my own choice of product which means I will not benefit from the regulatory protection I would get from receiving advice.

I note that you only offer mortgages from Scottish Widows Bank.

For your own benefit and protection you should read this consent carefully before continuing with this application online. If you do not understand any point please ask for further information before you continue.


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